I am horrible at keeping a journal and blogging reminds me of that! I do want to just write down some things about William so that I have them written and can look back on them!
When Will was 7 weeks old he rolled over from belly to back, at 3 months he was able to sit in the corner of the couch and look out (he loved that), at 4 months he was able to roll from back to belly but then forgot how to get onto his back again! In January of 2011 Will got hit with RSV, what a sad thing. He was super congested and we had to keep putting saline up his nose to try to break up the mucus on his lungs. He of course hated that!
We blessed our sweet little William Aaron Gibbons on February 6, 2011. It was such a wonderful day! Neal did a terrific job of the blessing, I was so proud of him. We had Neal's parents, Jason, Whitney & kids, Robert, Shara & kids and his grandparents there to support us and also my parents, Stu, Janae & kids, Russ, and all my dad's family from Salt Lake. It was such a great day, we went up to my parents for soup and desserts with great family and friends!
Will is now 6 1/2 months old and just is learning like crazy! He can roll from back to belly at lightening speeds and then roll back from belly to back. He does a little backwards scoot, but doesn't get very far with that! He as a little bouncy chair thing with toys on it and just loves to play in it. He gets so excited that he will squeal and scream and whack the toys while I watch or try to accomplish cleaning the dishes!! He has the most expressive face, especially his eyebrows! He has been that way since he was born and I love it! It's a different face for each second you look at him! He is a chatty little fellow and loves to listen to other people in a conversation! This worries me a little because I know that when he is old enough he will share any and all of Neal and my secrets!!
Just recently Will got bronchitis and an ear infection. It was awful. He had this terrible cough and was just not himself. He recovered from that about 3 weeks ago and since then he was having trouble drinking his whole bottle. He would arch his back and then throw his head around and just wouldn't take it. It was literally a battle every 3 hours! So I figured that he wasn't feeling well and maybe the ear infection had come back or something else was bothering him. I took him to the doctor this past Tuesday and Dr. Bruce checked him out and the said that he was a healthy baby! He then told me that my sweet, gorgeous, innocent little boy had developed a bad behavior!!!!! Seriously. A 6 month old baby, MY 6 month old baby has behavioral issues!!! It would just happen to Neal and me!!!
To fix this problem I have to now feed him on his regular schedule of every 3 hours and once he starts to do his freak out thing I have to stop and take the bottle away, no matter how much he eats. So on Wednesday he ate 7 oz., on Thursday he ate 9 oz.,and yesterday he ate 11 oz. So I guess you could say we are progressing by 2 oz. each day, but I'm telling you it has been the longest 3 days ever!!! He is just fussy a lot of the time and not acting like his sweet happy self! He is still sweet and happy at times but not nearly as much as he used to be! Hopefully we can get this under control and go back to being our happy go-lucky selves!
I am so lucky to have such a wonderful little boy! He is my complete world and I can't believe it sometimes that he's mine and that we will all get to be together for ever. Since having William I have come to know love in a totally new way. Everyone tells you before you have kids that you don't know what love is. I, being the stubborn person I am, thought I know what love is. I love Neal, I love my family I definitely know what love is. Then on November 4th my comprehension of love grew insurmountably. Not only did I discover the what the love of a mother was but I discovered how much love I was capable of. My love for Neal overwhelmed me. I didn't think I could love him any more than I did before Will and as soon as we met our sweet boy my love for Neal grew more then I can explain. The love for my parents and brothers has grown so much as well. They help me out so much and I get so excited to see them with Will and I get so excited to think about Will's future and how much fun he will have with his Nanny, Grandpa, Aunts, Uncles and cousins!